Capitalism and Democracy Revisited
Capitalism and Democracy Revisited
Featuring presentations by:
The Hon. Peter Van Loan PC, MP
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
and Minister for Democratic Reform on
 "The Individual As Sovereign" and
Dr. Samuel Gregg, Director of Research
 Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty on
"Democracy and the Free Economy:
The Anthropological Imperative" and
a response to the presentations by
Dr. Albert Fiorino, Director, Metamode Institute
 "The Optimization of Rational Choice As
a Solution to the Anthropological Imperative"
Available in pdf format on a mini DVD.
$15.00 CAD plus shipping and handling charges.


If politics were really like capitalism, it would make sense to have as many choices as possible for the consumers.  More choice, more opportunity, perfect information would yield greater individual satisfaction and through that greater societal happiness.

But democracy is about a society and about citizenship.  It is about not the atomization of society into a myriad of individual choices, but rather the expression of a greater organic view of what we want our communities, our country to be.

Peter Van Loan, "The Individual As Sovereign," p. 7.

The long term stability of modern liberal democracies and market economies depends, more than ever, upon man being willing to acknowledge his creaturely limits and to enter into a personal encounter with God in such a way that we become more truly and completely ourselves. For until the modern world accepts that our anthropology as human persons is such that we must always strive to change ourselves from being the persons-that-we are into the person that we-ought-to-be, there is every chance that the human beings that inhabit democracies polities and free economies may well end up as the lonely unhappy creatures that Fukuyama somewhat despairingly believes will inhabit the earth in his imagined end of history.

Dr. Samuel Gregg, "Democracy and the Free Economy: The Anthropological Imperative," p. 22.

If our very survival as a species requires that we step out of the subjectivity inherent in the Humean liberal anthropology, and I believe it does, and make some very critical moral choices about the quality of our daily lives, our relation with each other, our environment, and the cosmos, then we have to break loose of this limiting paradigm and consider seriously its alternative before it is too late.

Dr. Albert Fiorino, "The Optimization of Rational Choice As a Solution to the Anthropological Imperative," pp. 26-27.

To order click on the following link:  Democracy and Capitalism Revisited.