Terms & Conditions for Use of Institute Releases


In recent years we at the Metamode Institute have made an effort to monitor the use of our ideas and releases by third party users accessing our site. We have noticed that individuals, organizations and institutions throughout the world have deemed fit to use our ideas in their own writings, speeches, and publications.  As offered to the world on a pro bono basis, we have no objection to this use and are indeed pleased and honoured by it. Nevertheless, we do have what we believe to be a reasonable expectation when that occurs as stated below.


We at the Institute expect that the individuals, groups, organizations, or institutions that avail themselves of the ideas presented on this web site will have the integrity to appropriately credit their sources. We believe that to do otherwise dishonours them, undermines, and belies the credibility of their efforts and goals.


The Metamode Institute on Public Policy, while not having a university charter, is, nonetheless, a duly incorporated organization. Our goals involve the charting of new ways for dealing with public policy issues, of envisioning new horizons for the body politic, and of making its own modest contributions to the improvement of the human condition. These are tasks which are not the sole prerogative of the world of academia, the media, or mainstream public policy institutions which over the years have simply churned out reports and studies reflecting clearly the ideological philosophies and biases of the interest groups who funded them, including the government of the day.


The tasks undertaken by the Metamode Institute are first and foremost the prerogative of every individual human being whose sovereignty as a person forms the sole sufficient condition of the sovereignty we carelessly attribute to nations and their governments.


We thank you for visiting our site and may you be inspired and moved to do likewise by striving to make a difference in this world for the benefit of your fellow human beings.